Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pachiwals and Coke

Thursday night, Alex's class had a cookout. We, of course, took Grady, and he had a great time. The guys would try to throw a football, kick a soccer ball,or toss a baseball, but Grady would usually end up monopolizing the ball. They were good sports to play with him.

Being that no one planned for a toddler to attend the event, they only had beer and Cokes to drink (and Grady's water bottle was really far away). I gave him some tiny sips of my Coke--maybe one of his first times having Coke. But later on, not knowing I had giving Grady a little Coke already, Alex gave him "some" too:
So we had a hot, sweaty toddler, hopped up on Coke, and desperate to sit on a "pachiwal" (his word for a motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle, or popsicle.)There were a couple of motorcycles at the cookout, and one of the classmates put Grady on them. Now Grady thinks he should be able to sit on random vehicles even more than he did before! Thanks, guy!

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