Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Day of School!

Yesterday was Grady's last say of school. They had a little party with fruit cocktail instead of cupcakes, but Grady didn't seem to mind (there were marshmallows in there).These are some of his classmates. Apparently, Grady and the little blond girl on the right have a special relationship. The teacher told me that she will go lay on the bean bag, call Grady over, and he will twirl her hair like he does mine (and everyone else who holds him).
I stuck around to watch Grady play a bit. I like to see how he interacts with different toys and kids. For example, he was playing with this truck and making, what I am to assume, was a truck noise (Alex needs to work with him on that). He never does that with trucks at home.
He played so nicely with Hamilton.
The teachers gave the kids some presents, including this bubble sword. Sounds great. Not so much. He could not put the wand back into the soap without some help.
But Grady REFUSED to let me help him and broke down into a fit.

Finally, he let me help.
And then promptly spilled all of the soap onto the ground. :(

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